Treatment Programme
Our treatment programme will offer you the opportunity to tell your story within a supportive group context, and explore solutions that are tailored to your needs. The Programme offers a range of interventions and therapies.
Individual Therapy
Individual Counselling provides the opportunity to explore, discover and clarify ways of living more resourcefully towards greater well being.
Group Therapy
At the centre of this approach is a focus on your strengths and expertise, and the groups ability to discover solutions together.
Family Therapy
Carlisle House recognises the impact that substance misuse can have on the whole family and offers a number of specific programmes for families.
Art Therapy
Research has shown that the creative act can help towards the recovery process by improving and enhancing the physical, mental and emotional well being of individuals.
Eco Therapy
Engaging with the Natural World is now viewed as essential to both our physical and mental health. We offer a range of projects to get involved with.
Creative Therapies
Each afternoon the treatment programme offers a range of creative therapies from art, drumming to film making.
Pharmacological Therapy
Substitute prescriptions can be a valuable treatment for drug addiction. This can be a controlled way stopping to use drugs, while managing other issues.
The referral pathway to the programme will depend where you live. At present only those people who live in the Northern or Belfast HSC Trust areas can be referred to Carlisle House. All referrals must come from the Community Addiction Teams, who help you prepare for residential treatment.
If you need help in negotiating access to our service please get in touch.
Your Health Trust will meet the cost of the Programme if you live within the two Trust areas stated above.
Our Ethos

Post Programme Support
Carlisle House recognises the importance therapeutic support post programme. A variety of supports are available after you have completed the programme. However, if someone has engaged in another Residential Treatment Centre, they may be able to attend these Supports. If interested you should ask your Treatment Centre to contact us directly.