Treatments to Meet Your Needs
The treatment model we use puts your needs at the centre of all that we do. We see recovery as a journey that you have already begun, and coming to Carlisle House, will not be the end of that journey, but rather a continuation of that journey, that will also continue when you leave. If you need a detox programme we will work alongside your local Community Addiction Team who will offer this, either in the community or at one of the In Patient Detox Centres. When you come to Carlisle House, we will work with you to design your treatment plan. You will be given an experienced and skilled Link Worker, dedicated to working with you and supporting you through your treatment.

Our Treatments
Individual Therapy
Individual Counselling provides the opportunity to explore, discover and clarify ways of living more resourcefully towards greater well being.
Group Therapy
At the centre of this approach is a focus on your strengths and expertise, and the groups ability to discover solutions together.
Family Therapy
Carlisle House recognises the impact that substance misuse can have on the whole family and offers a number of specific programmes for families.
Art Therapy
Research has shown that the creative act can help towards the recovery process by improving and enhancing the physical, mental and emotional well being of individuals.
Eco Therapy
Engaging with the Natural World is now viewed as essential to both our physical and mental health. We offer a range of projects to get involved with.
Pharmacological Therapy
Substitute prescriptions can be a valuable treatment for drug addiction. This can be a controlled way stopping to use drugs, while managing other issues.
More Treatments
- Film Making
- Creative Writing
- Nutrition
- Complementary Therapies
- Music Therapy
Our approach to treatment
The model underpinning our treatment programme is a relational model, employing an Integrated Systemic Approach to therapeutic interventions.
A emphasis is placed on creating a safe environment that will facilitate people to make connections and create opportunities. We will always seek to treat you with respect and dignity as equals in our common humanity. At the centre of this approach is a focus on people’s strengths and expertise. We will collaborate with you to find solutions that will be helpful for you, and your peers. We believe that substance use doesn’t happen outside the context of family, community and our society, and is often a response to our environment and the experiences we have had in these contexts. Therefore we will create opportunities and enable you to talk about those experiences that are often difficult to talk about. Our aim is not to take sides, blame or provide simple answers. Rather, we aim to engage with you in understanding and exploring ways forward that will work for you.
We acknowledge the importance of peoples’ different beliefs, cultures, contexts and life experiences, and will adapt our ways of working according people’s ages, needs, resources and preferences.
Seek support for yourself or a family member
- Call us on 028 9032 8308
- [email protected]
Support Offered